The Good Shepherd Blog
St. Gregory Palamas & the Power of Prayer | A Lenten Reflection

On this Second Sunday of Lent, Daniel McInnes reflects on the life and teachings of St. Gregory Palamas—a great theologian and defender of the Orthodox faith. In this sermon, we explore his role in the hesychast controversy, the importance of true participation in God, and how we can apply his wisdom in our own spiritual lives. As we journey through Great Lent, let us be mindful of the voices we listen to and embrace the transformative power of prayer.
Come and See: The Triumph of Faith in Christ

In this sermon, Fr. Geoff explores the themes of Christ’s identity, the Triumph of Orthodoxy, and the endurance of faith through the centuries. Reflecting on the call to “Come and see,” the significance of fasting, and the witness of the saints, he challenges us to find our true nourishment in God. Join us in contemplating what it means to live in the presence of Christ—both now and for eternity.
Journey to Redemption: Understanding Forgiveness Sunday

Join Fr. Nicholas as he delves deep into the significance of Forgiveness Sunday, also known as the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise. Discover the spiritual themes of repentance and forgiveness as the gateway to Great Lent. Drawing from the rich imagery of church hymnography, explore the beauty of paradise, the consequences of Adam's disobedience, and the path back to divine grace through spiritual tools like fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. As we embark on this Lenten journey, find inspiration and guidance to seek redemption and strive for a place in the eternal paradise with Christ. Amen.
You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have – Christ in Us and Others

In this sermon, Sub Dn Timothy Grace explores Christ’s call to serve others—not merely through outward charity, but from a heart truly filled with His presence. Drawing from St. Paul, St. Simeon the New Theologian, and the Orthodox tradition, he challenges us to first nurture Christ within ourselves before we can offer Him to others. A deep reflection on love, humility, and the true meaning of Christian charity.
Lost, Found, and Forgiven: The Prodigal Son’s Powerful Message for Us All

Daniel McInnes explores the parable of the Prodigal Son and its deep lessons on repentance, mercy, and reconciliation. As we enter Great Lent, this story challenges us to examine ourselves honestly and turn back to the Father. What can we learn from the prodigal, the elder brother, and the loving father? Watch this sermon to reflect on how this parable calls us to live.
The Publican’s Prayer: A Path to True Repentance

As we begin the Lenten Triodion, the Church presents us with the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee—a lesson in humility, persistence, and pure prayer. In this sermon, Fr. Geoff explores the significance of this parable, the role of prayer in our spiritual lives, and the journey of repentance that leads us to God. Watch to deepen your understanding of how true humility, rather than self-righteousness, justifies us before the Lord.
The Meeting of Christ in the Temple: Fulfillment of the Law

In this sermon, Fr. Nicholas reflects on the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple, exploring its deep theological meaning and how it marks the fulfillment of the Old Covenant. We delve into the iconography of the feast, the prophetic words of St. Simeon, and the transformation of temple worship in Christ. Join us as we uncover how this moment foreshadows the Cross and calls us to a deeper encounter with our Savior.
Train Yourself in Godliness: Spiritual Lessons from the Gym

In this sermon, Sub Dn Timothy explores the Apostle Paul’s advice to “train yourself in godliness,” drawing parallels between physical training and spiritual growth. Learn how planning, perseverance through pain, a healthy spiritual diet, and seeking guidance from holy examples can transform your walk with Christ. Featuring powerful stories of faith, forgiveness, and transformation, this message will inspire you to take your spiritual training seriously. “For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way.” (1 Timothy 4:8)
Gratitude, Healing, and Faith: Lessons from the 10 Lepers

In this sermon, Daniel McInnes reflects on the story of the 10 lepers healed by Jesus and the profound lesson of gratitude demonstrated by the Samaritan. What does it mean to see rightly, to give thanks to God in all things, and to recognize His work in both the miraculous and the everyday? Discover how a heart of thanksgiving leads to spiritual healing and how we are called to be conduits of God’s grace in the world. A message of faith, gratitude, and hope for everyday life.
Risks, Resources, and Reassurance: A Call to Faith in Challenging Times

In this sermon, Fr. Geoff reflects on the Gospel of Matthew, exploring the risks of faith, the resources God provides, and the reassurance of Christ’s triumph. How does Christ’s ministry guide us amidst modern challenges, including societal pressures and personal darkness? Join us as we uncover the courage to stand firm in faith, the gifts God has given to each of us, and the hope of His ascended glory.