Contact Us
We meet for services in the Religious Centre at Monash University's Clayton Campus. Come visit us here:
Religious Centre
38 Exhibition Walk
Monash University
Clayton VIC 3168

Public transport
From Huntingdale Train Station, walk to the Huntingdale Bus Station and catch routes 601 or 900 to Monash University, Wellington Road. After alighting from the bus, use the red dotted line on the map to find your way to the Religious Centre.
Parking at Monash Uni
Parking is free on weekends, weeknights and public holidays. Use the red dotted line on the map to find your way to the Religious Centre.
Postal Address
Please send all postal mail to:
PO Box 8061
Monash University VIC 3800
Administrative and Clerical Contacts
Fr. Geoff and the other clergy can be contacted via The Good Shepherd Orthodox Church's Office Secretary, Cheryl.
Office hours are 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Mobile: 0493 758 443