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Nativity Matins and Divine Liturgy (Monash)

Nativity Matins and Divine Liturgy (Monash)


Friday 24th December 2021 Nativity Eve (7:00pm) - Matins and Divine Liturgy – all double-vaccinated – at the Religious Centre and livestreamed on YouTube. No feast in the Narthex.

Saturday 25th December - Nativity (9:00am) – Christmas Day Divine Liturgy – people of any vaccination status - at St. Paul’s in Dandenong.

Sunday 26th December (10:00am) - Divine Liturgy - all double-vaccinated - at the Religious Centre.



Christmas Eve: Please note that there will be no feast on Friday evening in the Narthex in the Religious Centre this year. Please do not bring food to share at the University.

Christmas Day: The service at St. Paul's on Saturday morning is the Divine Liturgy starting at 9:00am, no Matins.


Services at the Religious Centre: Please check in using the QR code and show your double-vaccination evidence to the welcomers before entering the Main Chapel. This is a requirement of Monash University.

Services at St. Paul's: Please check in using the QR code. No vaccination information required. You are required by the new mandate from the Victorian Government (beginning midnight 23 December) to wear face masks while indoors.


Christmas Eve Service

Come celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ at The Good Shepherd this Christmas Eve.

Matins (7:00 pm)

We commence the evening’s services with a special Matins service. Prepare to meet the Incarnate Christ!

"Your Nativity, O Christ our God,
Has shone to the world the light of wisdom.
For by it, those who worshipped the stars
Were taught by a star to adore You, The Sun of Righteousness,
And to know You, the Orient from on high.
O Lord, glory to You!"

Immediately followed by the Nativity Feast Liturgy Service.

Nativity Service

Join us in celebrating the Nativity Feast Liturgy using the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil.

"Make glad, O you righteous!
Greatly rejoice, O heavens!
Dance for joy, O mountains; for Christ is born!
The virgin has become like the cherubic throne.
She carries at her bosom God the Word, made flesh.
Shepherds glorify the newborn child.
Wise men offer the master gifts.
Angels praise Him and sing:
O Lord, past understanding, glory to You!"

Come see, touch and taste: the Lord is good!

After the service

Christmas Eve: Please note that there will be no feast on Friday evening in the Narthex in the Religious Centre this year. Please do not bring food to share at the University.



Come and See: The Triumph of Faith in Christ
Fr. Geoff Harvey
Fr. Geoff Harvey
March 9, 2025 11:00 AM
In this sermon, Fr. Geoff explores the themes of Christ’s identity, the Triumph of Orthodoxy, and the endurance of faith through the centuries. Reflecting on the call to “Come and see,” the significance of fasting, and the witness of the saints, he challenges us to find our true nourishment in God. Join us in contemplating what it means to live in the presence of Christ—both now and for eternity.
Journey to Redemption: Understanding Forgiveness Sunday
Fr. Nicholas Frazer
Fr. Nicholas Frazer
March 2, 2025 11:00 AM
Join Fr. Nicholas as he delves deep into the significance of Forgiveness Sunday, also known as the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise. Discover the spiritual themes of repentance and forgiveness as the gateway to Great Lent. Drawing from the rich imagery of church hymnography, explore the beauty of paradise, the consequences of Adam's disobedience, and the path back to divine grace through spiritual tools like fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. As we embark on this Lenten journey, find inspiration and guidance to seek redemption and strive for a place in the eternal paradise with Christ. Amen.
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